About Us

When you need legal help fast, LegalASAP helps take the guesswork out of that process. We created LegalASAP because many people with a pressing legal issue have no idea where to turn for trustworthy advice. Sifting through dozens of online search results and contacting multiple law firms that never call back can waste valuable time. Get to know more about us and our mission below.

About LegalASAP
How LegalASAP Will Help You With Your Legal Issues

Want to know more about us? Our free, fast matching service helps connect qualified consumers with trustworthy, experienced nearby attorneys available to advise them right away. LegalASAP uses the following criteria to match qualified consumers with nearby attorneys for free, no-obligation case reviews, where available:

  • ZIP code to find the closest nearby lawyer available to discuss qualified consumer’s case
  • Date of incident/injury to ensure any potential claim is within applicable statute of limitations
  • Practice area to ensure a matched attorney has skills and experience needed for your legal issue
  • Description of consumer’s particular legal need as described on our evaluation form (i.e., injury, suspected violation of rights, type of benefit sought, debt amount/type, etc.)
  • Other qualifying questions as needed to help determine if the consumer may have a valid claim
  • Valid phone number and email address so matched attorney may contact qualified consumer to discuss their potential case

Legal problems can be stressful, especially when they involve a painful injury, new disability, recent job loss, or mounting debt. People searching for information online may have one or two basic questions they want answered before deciding how to proceed.

LegalASAP posts informative articles about common legal issues written in clear language that anyone can understand. Most articles cover broad topics that people frequently ask questions about, and whose answers don’t change very often. Here are just a few examples:

  • Eligibility criteria used to determine who qualifies for monthly federal disability benefits
  • Documents that military veterans will need to apply for certain benefits
  • Deadlines to file claims for a variety of different injuries, according to state and/or federal laws
  • Steps required to file claims against an employer for allegedly violating workers’ rights

In many cases, however, the specific answer that applies to each person’s legal situation isn’t quite so clear. Since laws vary significantly from state to state and can change at any time, asking a lawyer to review your case for free is always your best option. All online articles hosted on LegalASAP are purely informational in nature and should not be construed as legal advice.


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